Plzeňský Prazdroj records highest export in its history
31.1.2012 About beerDespite adverse conditions in various parts of the world, the exports of the Pilsner Urquell brand marked historic record of 685 thousand hl. Export growth was underpinned by good performance in countries with traditionally higher sales such as Slovakia, Canada or Hungary, where the sales volume went up by more than higher single digit percent compared to prior year. Exports to Australia were up by close to 40% on prior year. Also exports to Israel, Vietnam or Korea saw an increase of tens of percent.
“We are happy to see the growing interest in Pilsner Urquell, which only proves that its unique flavor is gaining an increasing number of fans in the world. We are glad that the Pilsner lager is more in demand not only in Europe, but also in the Far East and Australia,” said Doug Brodman, CEO of Plzeňský Prazdroj.
The export of the Pilsner Urquell lager, which is exported to more than 50 countries, is also supported by the growing reputation of the international Pilsner Urquell Master Bartender competition. In six years of its existence, about 16 thousands contestants from 23 countries participated in this competition. Pilsner beer is also successfully promoted by a chain of nine Pilsner Urquell Original Restaurants abroad. You can now find Pilsner beer on tap even in Hanoi, Vietnam, where the first PUOR in Asia was opened in August last year.
Also other brands of Plzeňský Prazdroj did well abroad in 2011. In South Korea, we saw an increase not only in the sales of Pilsner Urquell, but also Gambrinus. The Gambrinus brand was first introduced to the Azerbaijan market, Velkopopovický Kozel to Cyprus, and the Master craft beer to Norway, the Ukraine and the neighboring Slovakia.
The growing sales in Asian countries like Vietnam, South Korea or Taiwan are also benefiting number of visitors from those countries in the Pilsner brewery. For several years in a row, tourists from Taiwan have been the third largest nationality that comes to visit the brewery, following the Czechs and Germans. The interest in the brand transcends the Czech borders.
Notes for editors:
- With total sales of almost 9.9 million hectolitres in 2010 (including licensed production abroad) and exports to more than 50 countries around the world, Plzeňský Prazdroj is a major beer producer in the region and the largest exporter of Czech beer.
- Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. is a member of the SABMiller plc. Pilsner Urquell is the international flagship of the SABMiller brand portfolio.
- SABMiller plc is one of the world’s largest brewers, with brewing interests or distribution agreements in over 60 countries across six continents. The SABMiller brand portfolio consists of international brands such as Pilsner Urquell, Miller Genuine Draft, Grolsch, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, as well as many other successful regional brands.
Plzeňský Prazdroj
Jiří Mareček, Spokesperson
Tel: +420 724 617 219