Gambrinus Shines Among The Competition Of More Than A Thousand Beers From All Around The World At Prestigious Australian International Beer Awards Competition
23.5.2012 Gambrinus„I am very pleased with the fact that Gambrinus beers were one of the best in such an intense competition of beers from all around the world. It clearly shows that our Czech beers and Czech beer brewing traditions have fine names abroad, and they are respected and popular,“ said Jan Hlaváček, who comes from a family with 80 years of Gambrinus beer brewing tradition. „Today as in the past, we harvest success especially thanks to the maximum care and love of beer, the highest quality Czech materials, and the preserving of traditional methods and beer brewing procedures. Simply said, it is thanks to all major aspects standing behind the Gambrinus success for many, many years,“ Jan Hlaváček added. Those are also the reasons behind the geographical trademark of Gambrinus beer as Czech Beer.
Established in 1993, the Australian International Beer Awards Competition is more and more popular every year. It is now the third biggest professional beer competition in the world. The awards are given only to those beers that are in accordance with all requirements of the highest quality beer – especially a balanced taste, aroma and overall appearance. It is organised by the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria in cooperation with The University of Ballart. This year the competition was comprised of 24 categories.
You can find more information about Gambrinus products at
Vladimír Jurina
Brand PR Manager
phone: +420 724 617 886
Notes for editors:
- The wide portfolio of Gambrinus brand consists of Gambrinus Original 10°, Gambrinus 11° Excellent, Gambrinus Premium light lager, and Gambrinus Dry with a low content of sugar.
- Since 2012, Gambrinus added Gambrinus Crisp Lemon and Gambrinus Lime & Elderberry products to its portfolio. These are mixed beer drinks which are known for their lower alcohol content and refreshing taste.
- Thanks to the practise of following the original brewing recipes typical of Czech beer, and also thanks to the use of traditional Czech beer brewing materials, Gambrinus is entitled to use the quality trademark “Czech Beer.”
- The history of Gambrinus brand goes way back to 1869. Gambrinus is a beer that won the hearts and minds of its consumers thanks to its high quality and the preservation of original brewing procedures.
- Gambrinus is part of Plzeňský Prazdroj Inc. portfolio. PP is member of SABMiller plc. With its total sale of nearly 9.9 million hectoliters during the calendar year of 2011 (including licensed productions abroad) and with its export to more than 50 countries worldwide, Plzeňský Prazdroj Inc. is the preeminent beer producer in the region and the biggest exporter of Czech beer.
- SABMiller plc. is one of the world’s biggest beer brewing companies with brewing activities or distribution in more than 60 countries across six continents. SABMiller portfolio includes important international Brands such as Grolsch, Miller Genuine Draft, Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Pilsner Urquell, as well as almost 200 successful regional and national brands.