Collective agreement in Plzensky Prazdroj signed

6.4.2006 Company

The overall increase of salaries will represent 6%

Trade Unions representatives and the company’s management of Plzensky Prazdroj have signed the Collective Agreement for the next fiscal year – valid until March 31, 2007. The overall increase of wages for employees paid according to the tariff rules is expected by 6% compared to the previous fiscal year. However, it does not mean automatically 6% increase of salaries for all of them: the Collective Agreement presumes individual evaluation of particular employees‘ performance, as well as the evaluation of complexity, responsibility and difficulty of the job. The range for the individual salaries‘ increase is set from 2.5% to 6.5%.

Plzensky Prazdroj Collective Agreement is a complex document covering all aspects of employee relations. It brings also some new developments in the area of remuneration and employee benefits, as well as financial compensation for time employees spend during WCM (World Class Manufacturing) trainings.

Trade Unions and company management decided to create a special taskforce to solve overtime work compensation. Both sides have agreed that the further development of social dialogue within the company will be routed towards performance-based remunerations.

Plzensky Prazdroj employs 2,522 people in 3 breweries (Pilsen, Velke Popovice, Radegast) and 13 Sales and Distribution centers throughout the Czech Republic.
