Interest in the PRAZDROJ TO PEOPLE program is breaking records
14.9.2010 CompanyThe 26 finalists were chosen by the Board of Representatives, which consists of representatives from Plzeňský Prazdroj, as well as important local personalities like gold medalist Radim Běleš, a paraolympic athlete and Senator Eva Richtrová.
The 26 finalists will continue onto public voting, which will begin on October 1st. The public can support their favorite projects in the PRAZDROJ TO PEOPLE program in three ways: by filling out the printed coupon, by filling out the electronic ballot on our website at or via DMS (text messages with donations). “By sending a DMS message, the participant will award his/her favorite project 2 points and will also send the project a contribution of 27 Czech crowns (1.40 USD),” said Vladimír Jurina, Manager of the Plzeňský Prazdroj brand. “There is no limit to how many DMS messages one can send, but only the first DMS will award points to a project.”
The public can cast their votes for one of the following projects between October 1st and November 30th:
1 Základní škola a mateřská škola Nošovice, příspěvková organizace (Primary School and kindergarten Nošovice, a subsidized organization)
With sport and knowledge to a more active and healthier life for children
2 Mobilní hospic Ondrášek (Mobile hospice Ondrášek)
A car for the mobile hospice
3 Klub českých turistů, (Club of Czech tourists) the Moravia Slezy region
An educational trail, Slezská Ostrava, for wheelchair users
4,Dětský folklorní soubor ( Children’s folklore group) OSTRAVIČKA, Frýdek-Místek
17th Annual International Festival of Folklore CIOFF Frýdek-Místek 2011
5 Římskokatolická farnost (Roman Catholic parish) Ostrava – Moravská Ostrava
Restoration of a rococo organ for the St. Václav church in Ostrava
6 SPORTOVNÍ KLUB VOZÍČKÁŘŮ (Sports center for wheelchair users)- CENTRUM COMEBACK
CYKLISTIKA BEZ HRANIC (cycling without borders)- INTEGRAČNÍ PŮJČOVNA cyklovozíčků pro těžce zdravotně postižené i zdravé děti (A rental of cyclo-chairs for children with health difficulties and for healthy children)
7 DŮM DĚTÍ A MLÁDEŽE (Club for children and for young adults), Třinec, a subsidized organization
CELÝ TŘINEC ZPÍVÁ” aneb oslavte s námi 50. (Entire Třinec is singing or celebrate 50th anniversary of Štývarov’s children’s choir)
8 Rotary Club Ostrava
Týdenní tábor pro hendikepované děti Stružielka 2011 (A one week camp for handicapped children, Stružielka 2011)
9 FAMUS, o.s. (Frýdecko-Místecké umělecké sdružení) (Frýdek-Místek Cultural Club)
Škola dramatických umění / Rozvoj nových audiovizuálních technik v divadelní tvorbě (School of Dramatic Arts/Development of new audiovisual techniques in theater)
MORAVÁCI SOBĚ (Moravians to themselves)
11 Salesiánské středisko volného času (Center for free time) Don Bosco
Hraj, skákej, křič, hlavně konej dobro! (Play, jump, scream, but make sure to do good things!)
12 Sbor dobrovolných hasičů Horní Tošanovice (Team of volunteer firemen, Horní Tošanovice)
Doplnění výzbroje SDH Horní Tošanovice sportovními technickými prostředky (To add sporting equipment for the Horní Tošanovice team of volunteer firemen)
13 Občanské sdružení (civic association) CHEWAL
Hipo-rehabilitation or we are doing well with horses
14 Jubilejní Masarykova základní škola a mateřská škola, Třinec, příspěvková organizace (Masaryk’s primary school and kindergarder, Třinec, a subsidized organization)
15 Základní škola speciální (Special primary school) Diakonie ČCE Ostrava
An interactive board to improve teaching of children with combined defects.
16 Plavecký oddíl (Swimming team) Frýdek-Místek
Swimming for children and adults, synchronized swimming
17 Správa tělovýchovných a rekreačních služeb města Třince, příspěvková organizace (Management of educational and recreational services of Třinec, a subsidized organization)
Children’s playground at the Třinec public pool
18 Nursery Frýdek-Místek, a subsidized organization
For the smallest and the best. Play, laughter and happiness as part of a wide development of child’s personality
19 ZOO Ostrava, a subsidized organization
A new interactive corner at the Ostrava ZOO – a model of a skeleton of a hippopotamus
20 PŘÍSTAV DĚTSTVÍ, (Youth harbor) o.s.
Young safeguards
21 Základní škola a mateřská škola Naděje (Primary School and kindergarten Naděje) Frýdek-Místek, Škarabelova 562, a subsidized organization
A Garten – center for healthy learning
22 Hudební klub Akordika o.s. (Music Club Akordika)
First steps to music
23 Sportovní klub (Sports Club ) Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Equipment for the table tennis sports club for work with youth
24 Základní škola a mateřská škola (Primary school and kindergarten) Raškovice
A playground
25 Sdružení rodičů při Mateřské škole (Parents’ association of the Ostrava kindergarten) – Poruba, a subsidized organization
26 Národní rada osob se zdravotním postižením ČR (Czech National Disability Council) – a counseling room for users of social services Ostrava
In connection with the world
At the end of this year we will find out who receives funding for their project.
- The PRAZDROJ TO PEOPLE program supports municipalities in the vicinity of the Radegast brewery and it has done so since 2002.
- In 8 years, the PRAZDROJ TO PEOPLE (formally the Civic Choice) program has divided more than 16 million Czech crowns (2, 880, 000 USD) amongst 93 organizations.
- All together, 54,375 people from Northern Moravia participated in voting.
- Last year, 86 projects applied for a grant.
- A total of 13,485 votes were cast
- Thanks to text messages with donations, DMS, the organization received another 49,356 Kč (2 615.7 USD).
Notes to editors:
- With total sales of 10.5 million hectoliters in the 2009 calendar year (including licensed production abroad) and with exports to more than 50 countries, Plzeňský Prazdroj is the biggest producer of beer in the region and the biggest exporter of Czech beer.
- 10 Corporate Responsibility priorities of Plzeňský Prazdroj: 1. Promote responsible alcohol consumption, 2. Decrease water consumption, 3. Lower energy consumption and level of emissions, 4. Use recycled or returned packaging material, 5. Head towards operation
- with no waste, 6. Cooperate with partners who share our values, 7. Support regional development, 8. Contribute to decreasing HIV/AIDS, 9. Respect human rights, 10. A transparent declaration of results.
- Plzeňský Prazdroj won the European Corporate Responsibility Award, for the best project in Corporate Responsibility. The competition took place under the seal of the European Union and also received 2nd place at the CSR Awards 2010 for active support of responsible alcohol consumption.
- In 2010, Plzeňský Prazdroj invested a total of 41.5 mil Czech crowns (2.122559 million USD) in development of energy from renewable resources. It directly employs more than 2,300 people and indirectly creates employment for about 33,600 positions.
- Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s., is a member of the SABMiller PLC Pilsner Urquell group, it is an international flagship of SABMiller brands.
- SABMiller PLC is one of biggest beer companies in the world, with activities and distribution in more than 60 countries on six continents. SABMiller includes important international brands such as Miller Genuine Draft, Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Pilsner Urquell, and close to 200 successful regional and national brands.
Jiří Mareček
Manager external communication
Ph. no: +420 724 617 219