The Brewers´ Star
An award for top quality!
The Brewers´ Star is a new type of assessment of Czech pubs and restaurants focusing on how comprehensively they care for beer.
The Star is awarded to pubs and restaurants always for one calendar year and represents a guarantee of top quality.
Only the best ones can get it.

Ten rules of the Brewers´ Star

Where to store it? In a cold and clean place!
Heat or excessive cold do not agree with beer, the optimum temperature for storing beer is between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius. The room must have washable walls and its floor must slope down so that it drains. Unpacked food is not to be stored together with beer.

Fresh and properly carbonated beer is good beer
The gas used for dispensing beer is important for its quality. Only fresh and properly carbonated beer tastes great. The ideal gas for all keg beers is a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen at a ratio of 1:1. Alternatively, pure carbon dioxide may be used. Tank beer is dispensed by air which does not come into contact with the beer. Air is not good for beer at all, as it causes beer to lose its freshness.

Clean pipes are a must
A star beer can never be tapped without clean pipes. Quite the opposite. Beer can get cloudy and taste bad. A good pub will rinse its pipes with water every day. Beer pipes are then sanitized every two weeks, in case of tank beer every week. Service companies providing the sanitation will record each of their visits in a sanitation book. Those who do not take care of their beer pipes have no chance of getting the award!

We do not use dishwashing detergents!
We drink beer from a glass and it deserves excellent care. As a matter of principle, star pubs and restaurants use detergents designed specifically for beer glass, and bartenders always rinse it with clean water afterwards. Our inspectors pay close attention to this.

The bar as a gateway for beer to customers
The bar is the heart of each pub and must be spick and span. Star bartenders take regular care of the bar and keep it in perfect condition. They clean the tap, the levers and the countertop.

No switching between beer and soda
An important rule for a star beer: Do not dispense sweetened, flavoured drinks using beer pipes. Switching is prohibited! Soda negatively affects the quality of beer. It should have its own pipes leading to the bar. Pubs that switch will not get the star.

In a cool, wet glass, please
Beer is always poured into a clean, cooled and wet glass.

It´s warm. You´d better chill it!
The full taste of beer can only be achieved if it is served at the recommended temperature. That is at about 7 degrees Celsius (+/- 1 °C).

The bartender as the most important taster
Bartenders in Brewers´ Star pubs are properly trained not only in beer care and tapping skills, but they also know what beer should taste like. They check its taste and aroma regularly. And they only serve beer which they are 100 percent sure about.

Only from a fresh keg
A good bartender watches how long their kegs have been tapped and follows recommended time periods for which the beer should be tapped. This is the only way to ensure the highest quality of beer on tap. Bartenders never sell beer past the recommended date, even if the beer has not reached its “best-before” time.

How to get the Brewers´ Star?
Would you like your pub or restaurant to pride itself in gaining the Brewers´ Star title?
Contact us, we will visit your place and start you on the way to the Star.
Where to go for a perfectly treated beer?
Choose a place, pub or restaurant wherethey take perfect care of beer on the map.
Our map will show you the way!