We create an environment where our employees feel safe and satisfied. We make sure there is support for everyone to exploit their potential. Equal conditions for men and women are a certainty.
In its breweries in Pilsen, Nošovice and Velké Popovice, in its 13 distribution centres and in the Hub in Prague, Plzeňský Prazdroj employs almost 2200 people. Kleine Veränderungen führen zu einem schlanken Körper fürs Leben. Fakt über Gewichtsverlust № 4: Man kann ohne Diäten abnehmen. Xenical Orlistat erhöht Ihren Stoffwechsel und hemmt gleichzeitig Ihren Appetit. Ab sofort können Sie auf Apotheke Xenical Orlistat in Deutschland bestellen – ganz bequem online und von zuhause aus. Mindestens eine halbe Stunde pro Tag zum Wandern oder Radfahren zu widmen.

The Welfare of Employees
Fair remuneration is a priority for us. Employees’ wages grow every year and the raise is established in the Collective Agreement.
We contribute a remarkable amount to additional pension insurance and life insurance. Currently, the contribution amounts to CZK 12 thousand yearly.
5 weeks of leave is commonplace in our company, and so are flexible working hours. Employees may opt for remote work (where applicable depending on the nature of their work) and further benefits.
We continue in the project called Garden, the aim of which is to make the workplace more pleasant for all employees in the production segment, in the offices and distribution centres. In 2019, we invested CZK 10M into improving workplaces.
We started to organize the so-called Family Days, on which the whole families of employees meet the company management and one another. The informal atmosphere and entertainment increases the sense of togetherness between the organization, its employees and their family members.
The importance of health and mainly prevention is pointed out on
Health Days, which are organized in all our breweries.
One of the key benefits we provide is learning and development. Our employees can take advantage of individual development schemes to fully embrace their potential. Based on these schemes, individual career growth, potential and performance are reviewed and planned.
Occupational Safety
In 2019, there were no injuries in the Velkopopovický Brewery. No single injury was recorded during the construction of the new Nošovice warehouse despite the fact that there were 600 people working. However, as for the total number of injuries in the whole company, we haven’t been able to reduce the number resulting in sick leave. Altogether, there were 17 injuries in the breweries in the Czech Republic. 55 % of these injuries (of our employees or external partners under contract) were caused by incaution of the respective person.
We continually take on new measures to increase occupational safety and to reduce risks, through technology and training and checks.
In 2019, women constituted
32.5 % of the company management.
The ExCom is also involved in discussions on our new gender diversity strategy.
During 2019, the results of the 2018 Gender Audit were analysed and together with the ExCom, we defined the direction of the gender policy we would like to take. Gender diversity and conditions that make all our employees feel comfortable belong to the main goals of ExCom.
Plzeňský Prazdroj values ethical principles; it is an area which is also dealt with by the ExCom.
The highest body that handles ethics and related matters is the Ethics Committee. The General Manager, HR Director and Financial Director are members of this committee. Suspected or actual cases of non-ethical behaviour are investigated by the Ethics Response Team.
Every three years, the Ethical Ombudsman is elected by the employees. S/he helps employees with ethics-related matters in case they are unable to resolve them efficiently with their line manager. The whole process is supervised by the Ethics Commissioner.
In 2019, fewer than 10 cases of suspected non-ethical behaviour were reported, all of which were subsequently resolved.
Collective Agreement
In December 2019, representatives of the employees of Plzeňský Prazdroj and the ExCom signed a new agreement. Every year, the trade unions of all three breweries (Pilsen, Velké Popovice and Nošovice) take part in talks about new conditions.
Apart from other matters, increasing wages is an essential part of this agreement. Tariff wages in 2020 shall, in comparison with 2019, grow on average by 5 %, and by 4 % more in the following year. By mutual agreement, Plzeňský Prazdroj shall also increase the attainable percentage of the performance bonus for employees in production and logistics by 4 % compared to the general entitlement in 2020 and by 2 % (compared to the general entitlement) in the following year. Plzeňský Prazdroj shall also increase extra pay for work on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 % to 15 %. The value of employee meal vouchers shall also increase. Financial rewards for those employees who will have worked for the company for more than 20 years shall also be increased.
We provide our employees with the maximum benefits:
- Contributions for learning and development
- Contributions up to CZK 12,000 to life insurance and pension scheme (additional pension insurance)
- Annual leave for 5 weeks per calendar year
- Flexible working hours
- The option of partial remote work where applicable
- A yearly contribution of up to tens of thousands of Crowns to health, sports, cultural event tickets, recreational activities or transport
- Two days off for one’s wedding or one’s child’s wedding
- Two days off for recuperation
- Up to two days off for volunteer work
- Yearly CZK 1500 vouchers for purchasing goods of our brands
- Free beer at Christmas and for the summer holidays and beer at a price of CZK 1 in our employee clubs
- Brewery tours for employees (freebies)
- Blood donation compensation and work anniversary rewards
- Special price offers when purchasing goods from our partner companies (reduced car prices, reduced mobile phone services tariffs, reduced price of package holidays, theatre tickets, etc.)
Health Days remind us of the importance of prevention
A healthy autumn in Prazdroj – this was the overall theme of various activities and projects called Health Days in 2019. The aim was to remind people of the importance of prevention when maintaining health and good shape.
On Days of Health, all our employees were given fruit and packages of vitamins in the workplace. They also got an e-cookbook full of healthy recipes. They had a chance to taste healthy foods and meals in the company canteens. For those employees who spend their time travelling and have no chance to take advantage of the company canteen, a “healthy snack” is distributed within this project. Throughout the autumn season, our employees were given tips on how to take care of one’s health, how to stick to the principles of prevention and on how to lead a healthy lifestyle in general.
We are improving occupational safety
To be able to implement effective preventive measures, we have to know how our employees behave when working, what patterns they follow, whether they follow safety guidance and we must assess all this. That is what Safety observations are for, in other words, observing people at work. So far, in the breweries in the Czech Republic, approximately 2300 observation sessions have been conducted. Apart from that, we conduct Safety Inspections of the workplaces. We have carried out 163 of these in our breweries. Brewery managers and leaders of individual brewery areas are involved in Site leadership. More than 400 of these inspections have been carried out.
A few technical measures were taken, such as the installation of Perspex for protection against CO2 on the washing line in the Velké Popovice Brewery.
Staff training plays an important role in the matter of occupational safety. One of the most efficient forms of training is the interactive Safety Camp, through which 186 people were trained in 2019. The main focus was on maintenance staff as this is the area where most injuries occur. In addition, it was necessary for the maintenance staff to familiarize themselves with the maintenance equipment. In the following year, we want to focus the Safety Camp on people in managing and leading positions who are supposed to set an example in the area of occupational safety.
Some of the training sessions even include public rescue service staff, for example, the breathing device drill done in preparation for a potential ammonia leakage.
In Plzeňský Prazdroj, we put great emphasis on training of drivers. A substantial training series was started in November 2018 and it continued in the early months of 2019. Overall, 717 drivers underwent the training, 293 of whom did so in 2019. Thanks to these initiatives, the number of accidents with our employees involved as drivers is decreasing gradually.
We debunk myths: Women do belong in brewing
The topic of diversity has been a part of Plzeňský Prazdroj’s strategy for several years. We try to educate ourselves and keep improving in this area. The main focus is on gender diversity.
Forming age- and gender-diverse teams across our breweries proved to be very effective. Such setting is very inspiring for all team members as everyone contributes with different ideas and impulses. We launched processes which encourage and/or increase gender diversity, for instance, we reviewed wages to confirm that our employees are remunerated regardless of gender.
As for measurable benefits, we above all debunk the myth that women and brewing do not go together well. Women represent various functions in our company, from the production area to positions within the actual brewing to managing roles. This is proved by the fact that the number of women in senior management is gradually growing and they currently already constitute more than a third.
We offer benefits which help achieve work life and personal life balance. When a child starts school, his/her parent is entitled to a day off. Employees (be they the mother or father) who want to return early from parental leave get a monthly contribution of up to CZK 6 thousand for pre-school care. We do our best to enable our employees to find a suitable combination of work life and personal life and, therefore, we allow remote work and part time work where possible.
Gender diversity is one of the main goals of the ExCom. We are planning more activities focused on approach change and creating better conditions for our employees. We count on creating project teams which work on the identification and development of talented women. When hiring new employees we plan to proceed in such a way that the short list of candidates has a balanced male-female ratio.