About this report
This is the 12th year Plzeňský Prazdroj
publishes its sustainable development report.
We were one of the first companies in the Czech Republic to start non-financial reporting, as we believe it is an important and natural thing to inform the public of all significant aspects of our business.
This year we changed the way of reporting our successes and failures in this area.
With the aim of presenting our sustainable development strategy and activities to the broad public in an easily accessible, comprehensive and attractive format, we have created this website (hereinafter the web report) which fully replaces the original PDF format of our sustainable development reports. These may be found here.
2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
The web report gives an overview of the progress we have made against our sustainable development programme, its goals and strategy. In a comprehensive manner, this programme addresses the strategic areas of our business in relation to their environmental, social and economic effects.
The information presented in this report covers the period from April 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2017. The reason for this exceptionally shortened reporting period is the transfer from our original fiscal year to the new calendar year. The change occurred in connection with the change of control of our company – as of April 1st, 2017 Plzeňský Prazdroj has new owners – Asahi Group Holdings.
Data sources
The source of non-financial data for the previously mentioned reporting period is the SAM system (Sustainable Assessment Matrix), which aggregates data on sustainable development on an annual basis. The system allows comprehensive monitoring of progress in seven strategic areas of sustainability.

Description of materiality process
With regard to their position, our stakeholders have very specific requirements, interests and expectations that might represent a challenge for our company. Without deeper analysis, it is not easy to decide which topics and issues we should prioritize. This is why for making decisions our company uses a (formal) materiality process which identifies the issues that are most important for our partners and our business.
Materiality process
Regional level
Our company is an important player in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. At the same time, we are a part of an international group of eleven breweries in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Romania called Asahi Breweries Europe Group. We therefore monitor and evaluate the regional trends and conditions affecting our business. These are mainly climatic changes affecting the production of our input materials, the availability and quality of water sources, and also the development of the so-called circular economy.
In 2017, we started cooperating with our parent company, Asahi Group Holdings, on a new materiality process. At the same time, we are participating in the preparation of a new global sustainable development strategy of this group of companies of which we are a member, for the post-2020 period.
Local level
We regularly monitor local issues and public expectations placed on companies in the Czech Republic and its individual regions. These include creating quality jobs and employee care, fair and transparent business conduct as well as a responsible approach to environmental aspects of production.
Brewing-industry level
We are the leader in the Czech brewing industry and therefore we carefully monitor industry-specific topics that are important to us, both to compare the achieved results and as a base for cooperation with our partners. We find responsible and moderate alcohol consumption vital for us and we also strive to be the leading company in terms of addressing these issues.
Company level
In order to identify issues that are directly relevant to our company, we have summarized information from organizations and individuals who affect our company or are affected by it. We obtain this information from the so-called stakeholder dialogues which we hold regularly and which, apart from the dialogues as such, also include surveys and round tables. We have thoroughly studied the documents and materials available for the current reporting period. We have analysed the information obtained and subsequently identified the issues and their importance to individual stakeholders. Based on the implemented risk assessment system, our internal risk management team and company leadership have sorted them according to their importance in order to be able to assess the materiality of their impact on the sustainability of our company’s business.
We fully identify with the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our sustainable development vision and strategy overlap in many areas with the strategic topics of SDGs and thus contribute to their fulfilment.
As a guideline for monitoring and controlling the importance and materiality of individual issues, we use reporting frameworks applied on a worldwide scale, such as the Global Reporting Initiative GRI G4.
Materiality Matrix
Stakeholders and dialogue – we can only succeed with you
A well-established sustainability process adds to the overall sustainability of the business and, in the final aspect, leads to realisation of the business success of the Company. We are well aware of it, and this is the reason why we focus on an important aspect of sustainable business, which is the mapping of stakeholders and their expectations alongside the identification of potential risks that might arise within the partnership. This is because we are fully aware that it is the stakeholders who affect our Company and, therefore, its success. Reciprocally, our activities and attitudes provide us with an influence on their satisfaction and results, which we view very responsibly for a happy stakeholder clearly contributes to the success and sustainable business of the Company.
Last but not least, the importance of the stakeholders also springs from the fact that they help us find the path we should follow in the future..
The most important shareholders for our Company are:
Forms of dialogue with individual stakeholders
The community,

Discussion and collaboration with the cities where we have our operations
Marketing research for Plzeňský Prazdroj, ppmfactum, December 2015
Preservation of cultural heritage and traditions
Support of tourism and small businesses
Support of community life

Social dialogue – discussion of Trade Unions leaders with the managers of individual plants
Social dialogue – meeting of expert coordinators of social dialogue and the manager of employee relations in the Company
Social dialogue – bargaining, HR Director
Employee forums – plant management meeting the Company management, so-called ExCo Roadshow
Global employee satisfaction survey
Assessment dialogues
Procedure of submitting employee initiative
Survey of satisfaction with Company communication
Whistleblowing Line
Informal meetings with Company
management, discussion
Training and qualification
The environment

Dialogue with the EU
Recertification audit for ISO14001,
BV, December 2015
Water endangerment study, Antea Group, November 2014
Reduction of water consumption, Clean Water for All Clean Air for All
Waste management, waste sorting, management of recycling
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Products more friendly to the environment
Green sources of energy, energy savings
The media

Survey of reputation of Plzeňský Prazdroj by GlobeScan, 2014
Working contact with the media
Responsible product innovation and progressive technology in brewing
The government of the Czech Republic,
the EU, Industry associations

Multi-stakeholder dialogue
Comments to the National Strategy for Health Protection and Promotion and Disease Prevention
Comments to the National Drug Policy Strategy for 2010-2018
Round table – logical framework for the action plan for tobacco
and alcohol policy in the Czech Republic for 2015-2018
Responsible use of alcohol
Mitigation of alcohol-related damage
Prevention of irresponsible consumption of alcohol
Consumers and

Commitment to responsible consumption by the SABMiller Group
Confirmation of the Advertising Council on having received no complaint related to communication by September 2015
Průzkum Znalosti odpovědnostních zpráv o nebezpečí konzumace alkoholu, ppmfactum, srpen 2015
Survey on the document Awareness on responsibility messages on risks related to use of alcohol, ppmfactum, August 2015
Information from the customer service line
Responsible communication of products and provision of information on product ingredients
Responsible product innovation and progressive technology
in brewing
Responsible use of alcohol, prevention (Alcohol and driving, Respect 18, Alcohol and pregnancy)
Přísnější posuzování stávajících zákonů a přísnější zákony pro konzumaci alkoholu u mladistvých

Sustainable use of land for production of brewing crops, local production of brewing crops (barley, hops)
Invoice maturity period
Lack of drivers in the market
Business transparency, supporting ethics in our partners’ business conduct
Ethics and integrity
Ethics and transparency are among the fundamental values of our company. In our company, this area is thoroughly addressed by the Ethics Commissioner, whose responsibility is to supervise adherence to all internal processes. The ways of implementing the company’s ethics principles and investigating and resolving cases of suspected unethical behaviour are defined by the ethics commission. An independent partner of the ethics commission is the honourable position of ombudsman, who is elected in the individual regions. The investigation of specific cases of unethical behaviour is done by the Ethics Breaches Response Team, which also supervises the implementation of the defined corrective measures. In cases of a serious violation of ethics principles, employees may also use the Whistleblowing Line.
In 2017, the internal business ethics policy was updated to better reflect current developments and new challenges within the company. All employees have been introduced to it and completed e-learning regarding these issues.