We are a good neighbour since 1842
The old brewing-rights holders and their successors have always honoured their ties to the city of Pilsen. For example, they paid more than half of the costs for building the Pilsen barracks (1804 to 1826). The same may be said about the municipal theatre (1832). The brewery has contributed to wounded war veterans, orphanages, the repairs of cultural monuments, etc.
The brewery continues to be a good neighbour and co-creator of today’s shape of the City. Moreover, the company brings the same attitude to Velké Popovice and Nošovice.
Through our grant programmes, Prazdroj to the People, Kozel to the People and Radegast to the People, we supported 19 community projects in the neighbourhood of our breweries in a total value of CZK 4,300,000 in 2017.
Kozel to the people
Radegast to the people
Prazdroj to the people
We have supported 186 projects and distributed over 50 million CZK through our grant programs in the past 16 years.
Birell – Together We Are Unstoppable
The Czech and Slovak project entitled Nezastavitelní (the Unstoppables) started in 2014 under the title Birell jízda (Birell Ride). The Birell brand is its main initiator and sponsor. For everybody who passes through the special Birell gate, we add CZK 5 to the Unstoppables account. In 2017, we thus managed to gather funds in the amount of CZK 1,336,009 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Thanks to that, we were able to help thirteen handicapped athletes get equipment they could not afford on their own.
Gambrinus – Getting the ball rolling
The Gambrinus brand has been supporting the grassroots-level of the football game for 7 years now. In 2017, we made a radical decision when we discontinued our sponsorship of the Czech national team. Instead, we are going to continue our support of the grassroots, particularly purchases of sporting equipment for amateur teams, but also pursue projects to support local communities that are connected with football. We also want to interconnect village football communities so that they share techniques and know-how and most importantly, foster the “togetherness” that naturally comes with this sport.
Pilsner Urquell – Auction of Art-Design Bottles
2017 was a record-breaking year for the Pilsner Urquell brand and for the charity auction of specially designed bottles that has become a tradition. We managed to raise the largest amount of money in the history of the auction, CZK 1,683,145 for Centrum Paraple. The money was spent on therapeutic and sports equipment for people who are in a wheelchair as a consequence of illness or injury. This year, the creator of the series of bottles was the art director of Moser Glassworks, Lukáš Jabůrek. The most expensive bottle went for CZK 250,000.