Plzeňský Prazdroj: Business Fit for the Future
For 177 years we have been using the best ingredients to brew our legendary bottom fermented, triple-mashed Pilsner Urquell beer. We are proud to say that our beer has become a symbol of tradition and quality, and we do our best to make sure that many future generations will also enjoy it. We take sustainability very seriously and it has become a key part of our business.
Welcome to our website devoted to our sustainable business, where you can read about what we are doing to ensure that our beer will continue to be made in the future by people who stand behind our efforts.
Foreword by Managing Director
Dear Visitor,
Welcome to our website, which describes Plzeňský Prazdroj’s efforts in the field of business sustainability.
We honour the Czech brewing tradition and strive to further its legacy. We believe, however, that it is our obligation to not only maintain the brewing legacy, but to cultivate it for the sake of future generations. We have to respond to existing challenges in such a way as to provide for a bright future for Czech beer.
There are five basic ingredients to making good beer: premium quality water, malting barley, Saaz hops, brewer’s yeast and fantastic people who give beer proper care and passion.
Being a company whose business greatly depends on the gifts of nature, we are committed to looking after these resources, as well as to caring for and developing our people and supporting the communities in which we our company operates.
Therefore, our sustainability strategy is underpinned by the following seven pillars:
- Caring for our history and historical heritage
- Supporting local agriculture and Czech suppliers
- Reducing the consumption of water and energy, and the carbon footprint of our manufacturing and distribution processes
- Promoting the Czech beer culture and our customers
- Caring for our employees and nurturing their potential
- Promoting responsible consumption and preventing alcohol use among high-risk groups
Supporting the regions and communities in which we operate
This year, jointly with our parent company Asahi Group Holding, we are developing a new and even more ambitious sustainability strategy which will be vital for the direction our company is to take after the year 2020.
Grant Liversage
Managing Director
Plzeňský Prazdroj
Corporate business results in 2018
In the review period, Plzeňský Prazdroj recorded revenue from in-house goods and services in the amount of CZK 16,517 million, with after-tax earnings amounting to CZK 4,456 million, and capital investment worth CZK 1,363 million. Total beer production was 11.5 million hectolitres. Direct and indirect taxation of the production contributed CZK 5 billion to the state treasury. We are pleased to say that Plzeňský Prazdroj ranks among the top Czech beer producers and is a major contributor to the state budget.
We employ around two thousand people, mainly in production and sales and distribution services to our customers. We create more than 20,000 other job opportunities with our business partners and suppliers. Our prosperity thus contributes to the development of the Czech national economy.