About this report
This year marks the 13th issue of Plzeňský Prazdroj’s sustainable development report.
This year we changed the way of reporting our successes and failures in this area.
It is natural and important for us to inform the public about all major aspects of our activity. In 2018, we remained faithful to the more attractive online processing of our strategy and the individual activities. Reports for previous years can be found here:
2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
The web report gives an overview of the progress we have made in our sustainable development programme, its goals and strategy. In a comprehensive manner, this programme addresses the strategic areas of our business in relation to their environmental, social and economic effects. We identify ourselves with the UN Objectives of Sustainable Development, which are reflected in our strategy. We try to fulfil these objectives by our activities.
Information included in this web report covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2018.
As this report is part of the web presentation of Plzeňský Prazdroj, company information and financial indicators are incorporated here by reference to this section.
Data sources
In 2018, we abandoned the data collection system used for many years – the Sustainability Assessment Matrix (SAM). Therefore, the source of non-financial data for the reporting period is a new internal reporting system collecting data on sustainable development on an annual basis. The system permits for complex follow-up of development in all defined strategic areas of our sustainability.
We are very pleased to report that we have received several important awards for our sustainable development efforts and related reporting in 2018.
Stakeholders and dialogue
A well-established process of sustainability contributes to the overall sustainability of the business and leads to business success. We are well aware of this and therefore we focus heavily on the mapping of stakeholders and their expectations and identification of potential risks that can occur. It is our stakeholders that affect our company and its success. And vice versa: our activities and approaches affect their satisfaction and results, which we take very seriously, for satisfied partners certainly contribute to the success and sustainability of business.
And last but not least, our stakeholders are important to us, for it is they who help us find our direction for the future.
The most important stakeholders for our Company are:
We are aware that stakeholder dialogue should be regular and that is why we have implemented a brand-new dialogue with our stakeholders for 2019. It is based on personal conversations with about three dozen of our key stakeholders from the government, associations and unions, regional partners, educational and research institutes and non-profit organisations.
The conversations will give rise to a materiality matrix to be used by us from next year on for the identification of the key themes in our sustainability strategy after 2020.

Ethics and integrity
Ethics and transparency are among the fundamental values of our company. In our company, this area is thoroughly addressed by the ethics commissioner, whose responsibility is to supervise adherence to all internal processes. The ways of implementing the company’s ethics principles and investigating and resolving cases of suspected unethical behaviour are defined by the ethics commission. An independent partner of the Ethics Committee is the honorary position of the ombudsmen; they are elected in individual regions. The investigation of specific cases of unethical behaviour is conducted by the Ethics Breaches Response Team, which also supervises the implementation of the determined corrective measures. In cases of a serious violation of ethics principles, employees may also use the Whistleblowing Line.
In past years, the internal business ethics policy has been updated to better reflect current developments and new challenges within the company. All employees have been introduced to it and completed e-learning regarding these issues.
We are sincerely interested in your opinions about our activities in the area of the sustainability of our business, and we would be glad if you shared them with us.