Plzensky Prazdroj confirms its position among the most admired Czech companies
First two positions within the Czech Top 100 “The
Most Admired Companies” survey seems to be clear and stable: Skoda Auto
and Plzensky Prazdroj. We are pleased to be the second most admired
company, evaluated both by managers/experts and by general public through We also got two important winning positions – in food
industry and in Pilsen region, which is especially noticeable. There is a
lot of work behind it, which deserves respect and congratulations.
There are results of our daily work, position of
our products in the market, our reputation as employer and as a
responsible corporate citizen. What is ahead of us, in the years to come?
An ambitious goal to be the most admired company in the Czech Republic.
Skoda Auto did a lot of work during last 10 years in order to achieve this:
strategic initiatives, international success, innovations, sophisticated
marketing, employee benefits and corporate citizenship.
We are extremely capable in all these areas as
well, however, we started with some of these activities a bit later than
our main “rival” in reputation. It’s time to duplicate our efforts.
More information –
Notes to the editor:
- With its annual output and beer sold in over 50
countries world-wide, Plzensky Prazdroj has become the Czech Republic’s
market leader as well as the biggest exporter of Czech beer. The Company’s
main beer brands in the Czech Republic are Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus,
Radegast and Velkopopovicky Kozel.
- Plzensky Prazdroj employs 2,754 people in the Pilsen, Radegast and Velke
Popovice breweries and in 13 Sales and Distribution Centres throughout the
Czech Republic.
- The Plzensky Prazdroj group of associated companies also consists of the
Saris brewery situated in Slovakia, which is the number 2 brewery in the
Slovak beer market. The Plzensky Prazdroj group represents the most
significant player in the Central and Eastern European beer industry.
- Plzensky Prazdroj is a subsidiary of SABMiller plc, one of the world’s
leading brewers with operations in over 40 countries across four
continents. Pilsner Urquell is one of SABMiller’s international flagship