Mora successfully tested both finalists of the Extra League. With their shots they got 325 beers for fans.
8.8.2011 RadegastThe pre–season games are over, and thanks to a stellar performance by Mora, players and fans can celebrate on August 10th at the Radegastovna in Olomouc. „Thanks to the support of our fans, we played great games with other teams from the Extra League. I am very happy that our shots earned them so much beer. I want to invite all Mora fans to come to Radegastovna and share a real, bitter Radegast with us,“ said Mora’s defenseman Jakub Bartoň about Wednesday’s event.
Players from Olomouc shot a total of 7 goals in the finals of the Extra League. However, more important than the number of goals was the numbers on the Olomouc players’ jerseys. The higher the number on a player’s jersey, the more beers he stood to earn for Mora fans. In total, fans and players can look forward to 325 Radegast Premium beers. Thanks to his performance in the Vítkovice game, Matěj Pekr, number 95, provided in the single greatest contribution to the cause, while the young defenseman Robin Staněk, number 86, earned the second highest number of beers.
Everyone who attends the event at the Radegastovna in Olomouc at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, August 10th, will receive a gift certificate for Radegast Premium beer. The gift certificate is valid for that day only. The meeting with the players, lead by Jakub Bartoň, will begin at 5 p.m. In order for fans to receive free beer, at least one piece of their clothing must be in Mora’s red and white club colours.
„I believe that a lot of fans will come to Radegastovna in Olomouc to not only analyse the pre–season games but to look forward to the upcoming First League season. We will definitely repeat the meeting with the players during the regular season,“ said Manager of the Radegast brand, Marek Málek.
Notes to editors:
- The Radegast brewery, one of the most modern breweries in the Czech Republic, has been brewing beer since 1970.
- Since 1999, Radegast brewery has been part of the largest beer conglomerate in the Czech Republic, belonging to Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s.
- Annually, it produces more than 2 million hectoliters of beer, with the help of approximately 250 employees.
- It produces beer called “classic Czech lager” and it also produces high quality malt in its own malt house.
- In 2008, the brewery brewed its ten billionth beer.
- With total sales of close to 10 million hectoliters in the 2010 calendar year (including licensed production abroad) and with exports to more than 50 countries, Plzeňský Prazdroj a. s., is the leading producer of beer in the region and the biggest exporter of Czech beer.
- Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s., is a member of the SABMiller PLC Company. Pilsner Urquell is an international flagship of SABMiller brands.
- SABMiller PLC is one of biggest beer companies in the world, with activities and distribution in more than 60 countries on six continents. SABMiller brands include important international brands such as Grolsh, Miller Genuine Draft, Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Pilsner Urquell, and close to 200 successful regional and national brands.
Jiří Mareček
Manager external communication
Ph. no: +420 724 617 219