Unpasteurized G offers a unique taste experience
4.3.2013 GambrinusUnpasteurized G – a beer full of life
Pilsen master brewers have prepared the Unpasteurized G using high-quality natural ingredients and a traditional recipe from Pilsen. Instead of being pasteurized, the beer is gently processed by microfiltration in the final phase of production, thanks to which it retains its more distinctive taste and aroma as well as a crystalclear look of Gambrinus beer. Beer fans can enjoy it in more than 1,000 selected pubs and restaurants. “We aren’t going to launch it in bottles,“ says Vojtěch Homolka, Trade Brewmaster for the Gambrinus brand, explaining: “We want people in our pubs to be offered something exceptional, something they can’t get elsewhere. Therefore, we have brewed the Unpasteurized G using this method. Combined with a perfect pour, at the right temperature and into a special glass whose classic shape forms a beautiful and long-lasting head, it offers discerning beer drinkers a unique experience, surely to be appreciated by connoisseurs.“ And he adds with a smile: “I’m confident that the following Hrabal (Transl. note: a famous Czech author and beer lover) quote will increasingly resound in our pubs: ‘Oh my God, waiter, what a beauty you’re bringing to me in that pint!’
Unpasteurized G is a Czech Beer
Like other variants of the Gambrinus brand, the Unpasteurized G holds the prestigious Protected Geographical Indication ‘Czech Beer’. It guarantees to consumers that the products with this indication are genuine Czech Beer made with high-quality Czech ingredients, in the Czech Republic and according to traditional brewing procedures.
Vladimír Jurina
Brand PR Manager
tel. +420 724 617 886